The data in this Rail Accident database is from public files published by a U.S. government web site. It has been converted to Firebird SQL backup format using gbak from Firebird version 2.5. The accident table contains numerous text fields which can be used to test Rubicon search features. All content is in English. Example syntax to restore to your own database, using an Alias: Alias definition ------------- RailAccident = c:\database\rail.fdb GBak syntax ---------- set flags=-v -z -recreate_database overwrite -FIX_FSS_DATA UTF8 -FIX_FSS_METADATA UTF8 :: -FIX_FSS_D(ATA) fix malformed UNICODE_FSS data :: -FIX_FSS_M(ETADATA) fix malformed UNICODE_FSS metadata Firebird_2_5\bin\gbak.exe %flags% -user SYSDBA -password masterkey c:\Rubicon\RBSampleData\FirebirdSQL\railacc.fbk localhost:RailAccident